FEGLI Option B Calculator
Using our unique FEGLI calculator, complete the form and hit “Get Quote” to generate a FEGLI Option “B” comparison.
Your FEGLI Option B costs will appear side-by-side with the most competitive term life insurance rates from AllFeds.com.
Your current FEGLI Option B rates can increase up to 500% over 15 years!
One client actually saved $560,000!
Our WAEPA vs FEGLI comparisons have been especially popular among SeniorFeds
Select a policy, see a detailed overview and apply online in minutes!
FegliPLUS is our unique FEGLI option “B” comparison.
In addition to the instant FEGLI calculator, we have now designed FegliPLUS to include Critical Care and Chronic Care riders to your plan.
FegliPLUS locks in guaranteed death benefits AND guaranteed premiums for 20-30 years. As a result, you can reduce your 20 year costs by 50-80%.
FegliPLUS also offers a Living Benefits rider to protect against Critical Illness and Chronic Care needs.
Covered conditions may include heart attack, stroke, cancer, paralysis, ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, AIDS, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Take a minute to review our unique comparison
A 60 second review can save you $100,000!
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